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Kisah, Perjalanan Hidup

All Definitely Dead

a life sure is not lasting forever, we have the disposition of each – one in life good or bad deeds, we are encouraged to do good to the universe.

This heart somehow when my cleric can not sleep
Every hunch this is clue Lord
Give the best to all the instructions that you give to a weak servant

hopefully this is a lesson about life that servant given a death when and where it was coming to pick him up for sure

In a letter Azzumar Quran: 89

Azzumar 39

Selamat Jalan Kakek 😦 semoga engkau didekatkan bersama orang sholeh lainnya amien


About adeli novnik

Terus Belajar Untuk Memahami Sebuah Kata Yang Terus Akan Termotivasi Untuk Diri Sendiri Dan Orang Lain .


3 respons untuk ‘All Definitely Dead’

  1. Innalillahiwainnailaihirojiunnnn ,,,,,, semoga kakek diterima disisiNya, dan amal beliau diterima, aamiin

    Posted by Mila | 7 Mei 2013, 08.32

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